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Nitzan Pelman, as Entrepreneur in Residence at LinkedIn, learned that the vast majority of jobs on the platform were secured through referrals.

Nitzan Pelman founded Climb Hire, a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds build skills and networks to secure jobs through referrals and social capital.

One of Climb Hire’s key early learnings was the importance of effectively practicing how to be a great conversationalist with professionals. Practicing relationship building is key to developing networks and unlock job referrals.

Climb Hire empowered hundreds of learners to secure jobs, doubling or tripling their income by teaching and leveraging social capital.

Nitzan launched Climb Together to help education providers and organizations implement social capital strategies for economic mobility.
Unlocking job through social capital stories

I was laid off from my company earlier this year. I immediately went into job search mode and applied cold to many postings on LinkedIn. I also reached out to my professional network from my workforce upskilling program and landed some interviews. After quite a few rejections, an alumna of my program asked if I was interested in a Salesforce Developer role. She connected me with the recruiter and I landed the job. This is what social capital is all about.

My internship at Zuora was an incredible learning experience. I was disappointed when a full-time opportunity wasn't offered to me after the internship ended. After hundreds of cold applications and final interviews, I wasn’t getting any offers. I casually mentioned my job search to a friend whose husband was a well-connected VP of Sales. He connected me to several recruiters and I ended up with two offers shortly after.

Over the past year, I threw everything I had into a one-year contract I secured at a fortune 100 company. There was a steep learning curve and I had to overcome many obstacles to prove my worth. Following what I learned at Climb Hire, I intentionally built strong relationships internally with senior leaders who recognized my value and contributions. They helped build my reputation within the team. Due to my relationships and dedication, I was offered the full-time role and am still thriving.

I was working for a housing non-profit in a lower level role and struggling to break into management. I received a call from a former colleague who was opening a new facility and needed a leader. He reached out because he knew my work product and dedication. He asked me to interview for the role. I landed my first management role with this relationship and it significantly increased my income and earning power.

I was out of work for six months because my company went through mass layoffs. A former colleague reached out after hearing I was affected and mentioned she wanted to hire me for an open role on her team. Because we had worked together successfully before, she knew I could do the job well. This is the power of social capital. It's way more effective than applying cold for jobs.

I was looking to acquire a new skill in IT so that I could leave a low paying job at a school district office. I joined Climb Hire and learned many of the skills associated with social capital: active listening, deepening conversations, crafting a compelling story, resume building, interviewing, and making actionable “asks” of people both within and outside of my network. Armed with these new skills and confidence, I leveraged my school district relationships and was referred to an IT job that doubled my salary. This is social capital in action.

After completing my Climb Hire program, I was hired by a company as an in-house Salesforce Administrator. I worked closely with two of the company's main clients and built strong relationships. Unfortunately the company shut down due to lack of revenue. Leveraging the connections I built, one of the clients offered me a full-time contract role which then turned into a permanent position six months later. This experience taught me the immense value of social capital and how it can open doors to unexpected opportunities.
